Sunday, October 24, 2010

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire
This movie was always a favorite of mine. Jamal, a young boy from the slums of Mumbai is on a TV show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but is accused of cheating. The police cannot believe that this young man has made it so far in the game show, someone who is believed to be a common “slumdog”. Jamal and his brother were orphaned when their mother disappeared when they were children. I really liked the movie because it showed another culture and the ways that poverty affected different parts of the world. The first thing I noticed about the movie was that it was young children fending for themselves in a cruel and evil world. Yet, Jamal seemed to have turned out to be an honest and respectable young man.  It was emotional for me because I have young children and just the thought of not being there for them, to provide and protect them, how awful that would be. It was really sad to see a young child’s eyes burned just so the tourist and other people would feel more pity on that child and give them more money. Filming the movie there in Mumbai also shows the culture and the lifestyle they live. Throughout the movie while Jamal is interrogated, you can feel the emotional intensity of the game, and his life. I think the movie meant a little more and the audience was able to grasp the whole story better since the movie was filmed in Mumbai. It was interesting to see that his long friend, Latika and how their love for each other, even after all the years they hadn’t seen each other, was still there.
            I liked the movie because of where it was filmed, the actors who were in it, and the plot of the movie. It was exciting to see how he would and why Jamal would answer the next question. It was also interesting to see how those questions related to his life experiences.

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