Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dances with Wolves

Dances with Wolves
The movie Dances with Wolves was a very creative film, that portrayed Native Americans.
A Luetienant John Dunbar played by Kevin Costner requested to be in a position on the western frontier, where he finds deserted. He decides to stay at the post and wait for more troops to show. Dunbar soon realizes he is not alone, and befriends a wolf he calls Two-Socks, because of his two white socks on his front legs. Dunbar also has encouners with an Indian Tribe, which he makes friends with and soon discovers a white woman, Stands with a Fist, who was raised by this tribe. Dunbar spends more and more time with the tirbe earning their respect as one of their own, and educating them on the white mans culture. Dunbar soon sheds his white man ways and lives among the tribe. The tribe named John Dunbar Dances with Wolves because they saw the wolf following him one day and Dunbar had to get off his horse to chase the wolf away. A wild animal such as a wolf is hard to train and tame, so it was very unusual for a wolf to follow a man, later a tribal member called him Dances with Wolfs.
I really like this movie because of the music, the location and the scenery. It showed how peaceful and humorous Native people are. The action in the film was very exciting, especially the part when they go on the buffalo hunt. It was curious to see the director incorporate buffalo hunting and put it in the movie. The effects the film makers used to create these large animals was amazing. It was ineresting that they showed that a single arrow could kill a buffalo dead in its tracks. Very entertaining no doubt, but we all know that it takes more to bring a buffalo down. However, the lighting, the effects and the music made this movie come together. I guess i really enjoyed this movie because I could relate to it, being Native American and watching certain things about this tribe and how the director showed Indians. It also reminds me of the plot of Avatar, where an outsider comes into Native terriotory earning the respect of the Natives, becomes part of the tribe and saves the day, both great movies. The choosing of the cast was well done, the director had actual Indians playing the roles of the Native people. I have seen too many hollywood movies where there are white people dressed as Natives. Dances with Wolves grabbed my attention once I learned what the movie was about, and who was the cast in the movie.
The music I really enjoyed in this movie, it was very dramatic at times, and changed to soft and light music when it needed to. The music drew my attention to certain scenes and I was able to grasp the feeling of that scene.

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