Sunday, October 24, 2010

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

                                                    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
            This movie is about a young boy who became an eccentric chocolatier. Willie Wonka, played by Johnny Depp is a very creative, and well established owner in the chocolate business. Mr. Wonka, has a worldwide contest by sending out 5 golden tickets in the chocolate. Whoever finds the golden tickets have a chance to become the new owner of the chocolate factory.  A young boy named Charlie, whose family is very poor, finds a golden ticket and a chance to become the heir of the factory. The interesting part of this movie is that no one from the outside has ever been in the factory. The fun part of this movie is all the creative ideas Willie Wonka has. Gum that taste like a 5 course meal, or the neverending gobstopper, a candy that never looses its taste. In the beginning of the movie there is a large river of chocolate, one of the children falls into, but is sucked up and to another place in the factory. As the children are going through the factory, they are all tested in someway to see if they would be the rightful owner of the factory. The last child left is of course Charlie.
            I remember the original movie, one of my favorites. As you can imagine I was very excited to see this new feature. Thinking about how much the movie business has expanded with visual effects and the creativity. I still enjoy watching the older version, but the new one has a variety of different effects such as the oompa lumpas, or the girl who chewed gum became very flexible. Johnny Depp plays this character very well. All the bright colors, the different scenes in the movie, the new inventions of Willie Wonka are incredible.
            A few things stand out to me the most. The fact that Charlie and his family are very poor, he lives with 4 of his grandparents, and both his parents in a small house that almost looks abandoned. Although Charlie has had a very hard life, his luck is about to change when he has the opportunity to enter into a contest with Willie Wonka and the chance of becoming the next heir. At the end of the movie, Charlie is tested Mr. Wonka tells Charlie, in order for him to own the factory, Charlie must leave his family. This is something Charlie could not do; all the riches and chocolate in the world could not take Charlie away from his family.
            Another part of the movie that stands out to me is that how horrible and awful these other 4 children can behave. They have no respect for Mr. Wonka and his belongings. My favorite part of the movie is when Vercua Salt wants a squirrel, but she is not allowed to have one. She begins her tantrum and is dumped where the bad nuts go. The other children are well off, parents are not struggling like Charlie’s family, yet Charlie, is a very calm and honest person, although he has a very hard life at a young age.
            There are a lot of life lessons in this movie, even if a person does not have a lot in life, appreciate what you do have instead of what you don’t have. Being honest and sincere will get you far in life, it may not seem so right away, but sooner or later, you will be glad you were honest at a difficult time.

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